Paper: Waiting for Social Security Reform to come

Dear friends,

Brazil has a new president-elect: Jair Messias Bolsonaro!

Despite all the confusion amid the presidential race, with unprecedented polarization in the recent history of the country, with candidates facing each other as enemies rather than adversaries, and the electoral process as a battlefield, now the moment calls for unity.

This unity does not imply unconditional alignment nor unrestricted support; rather, it is expected of all an active participation as to monitoring, controlling and pressuring on campaign promises. Serenity and understanding are also expected in that tackling the current crisis will require measures be gradual, but immediate, broad, deep, intense, constant and objective.

That is the reason why we express our opinion on the most important issue to be addressed by the new administration: fiscal control. Facing this problem is a fundamental question, because without it all else will be in jeopardy.

Thus, this paper “Waiting for Social Security Reform to come” intends to offer some insights into what should be addressed as a matter of priority and which is, to a large extent, under control or with great possibilities of articulation by the Executive branch.

Enjoy the reading!


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